Madelyn A. Lovelace


United States

I am a Content & Copywriter with years of experience in narrative creation and analysis.

My experience spans across multiple genres with tone-specific subjects.
You will find Entertainment Journalism, News, Copy, and overall creative pieces in my published works.

A ★★★★ review of Queer (2024)

"the door's already open. you can't close it now. all you can do is look away, but why would you want to?" ill-fated, cigarette burnt, and eager for love, craig's lee is no stranger to that hollow feeling of wanting to be loved at any cost.

much ado about cinema
Coming of Age to Coming Full Circle: An Essay

This essay is by our guest writer, Maddy Lovelace. It is evident in the way Elio Perlman's entire psyche is altered by mature graduate student Oliver within the summer of 1983 that there is a new funk hidden in this archetype we've seen before, possibly a homage to film in previous times that mirrored life...